It is integral to our work to ensure the mountain landscape is protected and preserved for future generations. To gain the International Mountain Leader qualification we had to undergo a lengthy examination process with an emphasis on understanding and protecting the mountain environment. We strive to protect it and aim to reduce our impact, while increasing your appreciation and understanding of the precious environment around us.

While in the mountains

We work with small groups and if there are larger groups we stagger set off times with guides wherever possible

We promote healthy lifestyles and staying active in the outdoors

We require that you do not leave litter

We pick up litter, which has been left by others on the trail

We appreciate that at refuges it can be hard to deal with non-compostable waste so we ask you to take out your waste and this is often a refuge rule anyway

We discourage shortcuts, which can cause path erosion

We explain why you should not take souvenirs, such as flowers, from nature

We ask you not to pollute water sources when washing or choosing a site to answer the call of nature. Your guide will discuss any wild camp or local national park rules

We discourage plastic pollution asking that you take a water bottle which can be used indefinitely

We will endeavour to understand together the local environment and how wild animals interact with humans and other wild animals

Running our trips

We support communities by using family run hotels whenever possible and really like to know the people we work with

We encourage home working amongst our staff or contractor team

We use local providers for any extra activities requested by our guests

We use the local train and bus networks whenever possible

We encourage our guests to ‘share’ transport to our trip meeting points for single point pick ups

When possible we buy locally produced food for packed lunches

We encourage drink/food stops at remote facilities to support the local community

Environmentally aware trip itineraries

We think carefully about our routes and where possible promote ‘less travelled’ trails

We ensure our guides understand our environmental Policy and promote it

Where possible we book accommodation with providers who truly share our love of the environment and where possible understand the historical context of our routes

If we need to include transport we strive to use local buses and trains but recognise that this isn’t always possible