Escape and Evasion | For groups and families

5 Days


Embark on a 5-Day Journey of Liberation including arrival and departure

Step into the shoes of courageous men and women who sought freedom amidst World War Two, as we trace their footsteps across the formidable Pyrenees mountains. This adventure is an immersive experience that invites you to learn the art of survival, resilience, and camaraderie in the face of adversity.

Under the guidance of our experienced team, you’ll master the essential skills of movement, sustenance, and strategic thinking employed by those daring souls who dared to defy Nazi occupation. Through your own determination, resourcefulness, and the power of teamwork, you’ll navigate rugged terrain, surmount obstacles, and forge bonds that transcend borders.

As you traverse this natural mountain barrier, each step bringing you closer to the promise of freedom and the warm embrace of Andorran hospitality. Experience the thrill of crossing the border, a triumph of resilience and determination that echoes through the annals of history.

Group discounts are available for parties of 5 or more, making this adventure perfect for families, groups of friends, work colleagues, and charity fundraisers alike. Join us on this transformative journey of discovery, where the spirit of liberation reigns supreme, and every moment is an opportunity to honour the courage and resilience of those who came before us.

“Powerful stories, beautifully told”

Escape & Evasion
Escape & Evasion – imagin you are there

Imagine a distant yet clear bark of an Alsatian search dog of a German patrol pierces the still air. Nothing moves on the grasslands ahead nor in the forest edge, where you lay hidden, waiting. You had never been abroad, rarely venturing outside your hometown. Now, after parachuting from a burning Halifax, through the miraculous help of strangers you have travelled in disguise the length of France to now find yourself in the company of yet more strangers. Following signs of a guide who speaks rarely and only in an incomprehensible language your fate again lies in the hands of others.

Look forward to:

  • An immersive experience tracing World War II escape routes
  • History coming to life as you hear the stories and experiences of those fleeing over the Pyrenees during the war


We offer a single time airport pick up from Toulouse Blagnac. Alternatively, if you're travelling within France, meet us at Chez Arran Apartments. Here you will receive your first briefing.

Dinner at La Maison Lacube éleveurs in Les Cabannes, owned and run by farmers who are happy to share with us their farming techniques in a sumptuous restaurant atmosphere – this is the real deal! (D)

We begin our journey at Tarascon-sur-Ariège, after a briefing we then visit the memorial in Tarascon. Escapees would have been taken to safe-houses in Tarascon until a reasonable number had been gathered before setting off. Usually between 8 and 10. We will have the opportunity to see the location of one of these safe houses. In the afternoon, we take a short transfer to the start of our mountain journey and trek to a typical shepherd’s hut that would have been a sheltering point for the escapees. We will see a memorial or ‘Stelle’ at Miglos to the French Resistance.
After lunch we head out to Miglos where we put our survival skills to the test.

Fire Building Making a Shelter/Bivi Foraging Collecting wood/kindling

We will draw a sketch map and do a timed navigation exercise. Learning how to navigate using just the sun and stars, no smartphones allowed here.
Find a dead letter box and spot possible danger and patrol points. Covering basic first aid in the mountains we consider the decisions escapees had to make when someone in their team was injured.

The group will be split into two teams and have to handle an injury using only what they have on them.
Tonight we will wild camp under the stars! (B,L,D)

After a night sleeping under the stars we continue our trek along the GR10 and contour to Aston Valley, descending to our awaiting transfer to take us to Plat de Peyres, where we will walk up to our Refuge de Rulhe (2185m). Here we'll enjoy dinner, and an evening of music, discussions and games. Tonight we will sleep in dormitories. (B,L,D)

Day 4 :

An early start takes us away from Refuge Rhule trekking over the border into Andorra via port de Fontargente to Soldeu. For groups with younger members, we may just reach the Etangs de Fontargente and descend from there, or camp before descending, depending on group preferences. (B,L,D)

Day 5 :

Morning 1.5 hour transfer from Soldeu back to Tarascon-sur-Ariège, or Ax les Thermes to say our farewells and refelct on the inspiring journey we have just undertaken together. (B)

Included in this trip:

  • Optional transfers from Tarascon-sur-Ariège train station on arrival and final days
  • Accommodation – One night in self-catering apartments, one night supported wild camp, one night in a refuge and one in a hotel in Andorra.
  • All necessary local transport
  • Camping equipment
  • Meals as stated in the itinerary – Dinner on the first, second, third & fourth night. Four breakfasts and three days packed lunch
  • Souvenir Resistance ID card
  • Experienced International Mountain Leader
  • Group Discounts

Not included in this trip:

  • Flights
  • Airport pickup and drop off for groups (though we can offer this)
  • Transfer from Toulouse by train
  • Personal Travel Insurance
  • Personal mountain snacks
  • Some alcoholic drinks
  • Celebratory meal
What will the food be like?

The food is fresh and plentiful to give you energy for your adventure. Breakfast is typically continental style; bread, croissants, porridge etc. You will be given packed lunches including cheese, meats, salad, crisps.

Dinner will be varied depending on our accommodation, usually rice or pasta dishes.

Our night wild camping we will enjoy expedition-style food cooked on a primus stove.

We recommend you bring a few snacks to keep you going each day such as cereal bars or flapjacks.

We can cater for most specific dietary requirements but please do let us know well in advance.

You will also need to make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day!

Where we'll be staying:

Our first night will be spent in Chez Arran Apartments. There are different size apartments available, all with access to wifi and pool (May-Oct)

If Chez Arran is unavailable we will stay in a hotel.

Chez Arran
Chez Arran
Chez Arran Pool
Chez Arran Pool
Wild Camping
Wild Camping

Refuge de Rulhe is dormitory accommodation with rooms for 4 x participants in bunkbeds. There is also one large dorm which sleeps 10.

Camping is also available.

Refuge de RulheRefuge de Rulhe
Refuge de Rulhe

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Escape and Evasion | For groups and families